Emiratisation in Mainland: A Business Imperative in the UAE

The initiative from UAE government has come with the promises of growth and threats of hefty penalties. Emiratisation in Mainland presents some very golden opportunities for business if they roll with the program, successfully integrating it. That makes skilled talent a part of their workforce. It’s a win-win situation with all the proficient hands on deck contributing to your organization’s expansion.

We have written this piece to share the insights on Emiratisation UAE. There’s also discussion on Emiratisation law 2024.

Navigating Emiratisation: A Guide for Businesses in Mainland

An avenue towards even more possibilities of success is opened by Emiratisation in mainland. Your business gets access to local talent and expertise of UAE nationals. Compliance with the Emiratisation UAE program rewards businesses with incentives. Being in violation will result in major setbacks and harsh penalties for businesses.

Understanding Emiratisation

If you are confused about what is emiratisation and still have your question unanswered, you have opened the right tab. We aim to explain what is emiratisation in mainland through this article. The purpose is to clear the prevailing confusion across sectors.

What is Emiratisation?

Emiratisation in private sector makes it compulsory for companies to hire a particular number of UAE nationals as part of their workforce. The exact number is determined by the company’s size and its industry.

Foreign workers had previously dominated the workplace demographics in UAE. That resulted in a disparity in numbers. It put the Emiratis at a disadvantage. For representing local talents across industries, the government took this initiative. The program of Emiratisation in Mainland was introduced.

Now the businesses have to employ a certain percentage of Emiratis. Their job expertise should align with their specific skill set. This will help companies in expanding their operations and have access to proficient individuals.

Organizations only filling vacant seats and superficially complying to the program by mismatching the skills and job requirements need to be wary of the consequences. Integrating emiratisation UAE only to show numbers is not the objective of this initiative. It also invites hefty fines as a result.

Goals and Objectives of Emiratisation

Overcoming the glaring gaps in workplace demographics and stats is one of the major goals of emiratisation in mainland. Achieving a perfect balance of skilled labor playing their part towards progress and economy also makes to the list.

Emiratisation Policies and Initiatives

There are promises of sweet incentives for businesses who are leading in complying with the requirements. For organizations violating the very same laws, there are severe legal consequences. Restricted work permits, damaged reputation and missing out on government contracts is too high a price to pay.

Government Policies and Regulations

The emiratisation rule requires businesses with less than fifty employees to hire an Emirati. More than fifty employees means the staff should comprise of 4% Emiratis by this year’s end. It will be increasing to ten percent by 2026.

Emiratisation Programs and Initiatives

There are incentives for companies actively complying with emiratisation UAE. They will experience faster processes of obtaining work permits for their expat employees.

Impact of Emiratisation on the Mainland Economy

The program has positively affected the economy. Companies have been looking forward to hiring Emiratis. And local talents now have more possibilities in the private sector. They are not restricted to the public sector anymore. It gives them the freedom to explore several job openings in their careers.

Job Creation and Employment Opportunities

There is now a higher chance of Emiratis getting hired. This means the bias in hiring might be reduced. It also creates more jobs increasing employment rates. With more opportunities for getting hired, UAE nationals will now be given a preference. Their numbers will not be overlooked during recruitment drives.

Economic Growth and Development

With the unemployment rates decreasing and businesses hiring the perfect fits for open positions, development will know no bounds. It will be a win win situation. Job seekers get hired for the roles they perfectly align with. Companies get a productive staff while remaining compliant with the local labor laws.

Impact on Foreign Investment

Having a dedicated workforce attracts foreign investments. UAE establishes itself as a reliable economy. One that does not have to rely on expat workers only. The reliance on its own citizens affirms the country’s position as resourceful.

Challenges and Opportunities in Emiratisation

While there are openings for leveling up, there are some challenges that are holding back. Candidates and companies

Challenges Faced by Emiratisation

Some businesses were caught to be only filling the required percentage. The actions of remaining compliant to the emiratisation law 2024 while not hiring the staff matching the job requirements will incur fines.

UAE nationals have been sharing their experiences. They are one of frustration. One where they have been contacted by companies — only for them to find out it’s not even the sector and industry they have any experience and qualifications in. This has resulted in inefficient job seeking process. It negatively affects the candidates who would have been the right fit for the job in companies that match their domain.

Another challenge for businesses is having access to the wide talent pool of UAE nationals. Fortunately service providers like Emiratisation Nafis can help overcome this challenge with our services.

Opportunities for Growth and Development

Emiratisation UAE has become interchangeable with chances of growing your business. It also offers the chance to UAE nationals for upskilling and reskilling. They can take advantage of the training and development programs offered as part of this initiative.

Case Studies and Success Stories

We have compiled some of the case studies. These will highlight how the program is making waves across the country.

We partnered with private companies to provide them with the candidates who possess the necessary qualifications for the job role. Accounting firms, moving and packing companies, renovation and designing companies — our services have assisted in finding the perfect fit for various organizations.

Successful Emiratisation Programs

The success of emiratisation in mainland requires some well-planned strategies. It includes setting clear targets across industries. Investing in training and development is another program in this arena.

Case Studies of Emirati Professionals

Our services have made sure to connect companies with candidates that match their requirements.

One of the software engineers we connected to a software house went on to become their top performer. The experience prior to our services included being reached out for job positions that didn’t align with their expertise.

We have also connected individuals to corporate offices. They had been offered positions before too. But none of them matched their skills or even sector. With us, they secured a job in one of their dream organizations and got hired for a position that matched their areas of expertise.

Contact Emiratisation Nafis for our services.


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